Ectropion, Entropion, and Eyelid Retraction
Proper position of the eyelids is vital to the health of the eye. Without proper eyelid position and tone, the surface of the eye (conjunctiva and cornea) can develop problems such as dryness, chronic irritation, redness, and infection. There are a few common types of eyelid malposition that we will review here.
Ectropion is the term for an eyelid that has “rolled out” away from the eyeball. This may be severe to the point where it is visible to others as a red eyelid margin, or can be mild but still causing symptoms such as tearing, irritation, dryness and discharge. In severe cases, the cornea can become dry and ulcerate from lack of protection.
Ectropion is usually caused by stretching of the eyelid tissues with age, facial palsy (Bell’s palsy, stroke, trauma, brain surgery), scarring, previous surgery or lesions of the eyelids that weigh it down. When the eyelid is not tight against the surface of the eye, tears are not evenly spread over the eye leading to excessive tearing, irritation, redness, discharge and crusting of the eyelids.
Ectropion is repaired surgically with a simple outpatient procedure to tighten the eyelid allowing it to return to the normal position and tone. This helps reduce the symptoms of irritation, tearing, discharge and dryness.
Entropion is the term for an eyelid that has “rolled in” towards the eyeball. This causes the eyelashes to rub on the cornea causing extreme irritation, light sensitivity, tearing and could cause corneal abrasions, ulcers or infections. These corneal problems can cause permanent damage to your vision.
Entropion is usually caused by age related stretching of the eyelid tissues/muscles that keep the eyelid in the proper position. In some cases previous surgery or scarring can cause entropion.
Entropion is repaired surgically with a simple outpatient procedure to reposition the eyelid in the proper position. People usually feel immediate relief to have the eyelashes away from the surface of the eye.
Eyelid Retraction
Eyelid Retraction means that the eyelid is pulled down vertically from the eye causing more of the white of the eye to show than usual (scleral show). Retraction of the eyelids is caused by scarring, previous surgery, trauma, burns, sun damage, inflammatory diseases (such as thyroid eye disease), and can be genetic due to anatomical factors.
When the eyelids are retracted, they cannot close properly to protect and lubricate the eye. This causes the eye to dry out and can cause reflex tearing, irritation, redness, light sensitivity. In some cases, vision may be affected due to abnormalities of the surface of the eye.
Eyelid retraction is repaired surgically to lengthen the eyelid. This is a very specialized procedure that is best performed by an Oculoplastic surgeon. Surgery is performed as an outpatient and can involve tightening of the eyelids, using spacer grafts to add tissue to the eyelids to allow proper protection of the eye.