older woman looking into the distance

Eyelid Skin Cancer, Growths & Tumors

There are many types of growths that affect the eyelids. These range from benign (chalazion, stye, cyst, papilloma, mole, etc.) to malignant tumors such as basal cell, squamous cell and melanoma type cancers. Due to the sensitive tissue around the eye, the eyelids are a relatively common area to develop a skin cancer due to sun damage.  Should you or your doctor notice a growth on the eyelid, it is best to have it evaluated by an Oculoplastic specialist to rule out skin cancer. It is best to treat eyelid skin cancers early to avoid spread to the surface of the eye and deeper structures.

Dr. Joos has an extensive background treating eyelid and facial skin cancers. While training in Australia (one of the countries with the highest incidence of skin cancer), Dr. Joos performed hundreds of eyelid and facial skin cancer operations and reconstructions. When reconstructing an eyelid, it is important that your surgeon is comfortable operating on or around the eye (an Oculoplastic surgeon). Some smaller tumors can be removed in the clinic, but larger tumors usually need a surgical facility to have the edges evaluated to ensure complete removal of the cancerous tissue. Dr. Joos regularly performs Mohs reconstruction of the eyelids and face. Mohs surgery is a two-step process where a dermatologist (Mohs surgeon) removes the cancer and evaluates the margins for complete removal. Once complete, the resulting defect in the eyelid or face is repaired by an Oculoplastic surgeon.

If you have a concerning growth please do not hesitate to send us a photo or set up a consultation.


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